세장형 필지에 위치한 점포겸용 주택의 유형적 특성에 관한 연구 - 인천 중구 조계지역을 중심으로 한 비교연구 -

A Study on the Characteristics of Mixed Use Urban Housing Typology Located at the Deep and Narrow Lot - Comparative Study Focused on the Foreign Residential District in Incheon Settlement Area -

  • 발행 : 2013.07.25


Recently many interests focus the importance of various urban elements that compose the urban fact beyond the architectural objects. Physical components such as lot, street, plaza and settlement form are evaluated as much important as singular buildings. Other considerable opinions and theories emphasize human activities as vital factors that generate sense and character of space compared to physical constituents of urban fabrics. This study focuses on the figurative value of lots that had came to persists to exist until today. Incheon has always been a main gate to international confluent of commodities and culture. Even before the forced colonialization by Japan, many foreign communities came to settle in the current Junggu District Area in the form of patch work. Each of these foreign district was characterized the identity of the community and at the same the streets were vitalized by coexistence of commerce and residency. Most of the lots that configure each district has narrow and deep form. Now only few of the actual buildings survive and other lots were filled by non distinctive buildings mostly out of business. Municipality currently proposes a design guideline to conserve and vitalize as touristic attraction. However, such premise consider only apparent factors to anachronistically restore formal affinity by mimetic approach. This research firstly, focuses on the importance of urban fabric and the characteristics of building typology, secondly on the program to fulfill the daily activities by mixing commercial and residential requirements, and thirdly, on the formal value of mixing new buildings in old urban fabric.



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