엔지니어링 플라스틱의 LED조명 방열판 적용

Heat Sink of LED Lights Using Engineering Plastics

  • Cho, Young-Tae (Department of Manufacturing & Design Engineering, Jeonju University)
  • 발행 : 2013.08.30


As an advance study for the development of a heat sink for special purpose high power illumination, an investigation was made to find feasibility for the application of copper plated EP to a heat sink of small LED light of less than 10W installed in commercial product. In this study, the plated heat sink with EP copper was fabricated for the conventional LED light. It was used actually for finding heat radiation property and effectiveness of the heat sink accompanied with measurement of luminous intensity. The heat is radiated by transfer and dissipation only through the copper plated surface due to extremely low heat conductivity of EP in case of EP heat sink; however the total area of the plate plays the function of heat transfer as well as heat radiation in case of the aluminum heat sink. It seems that the volume difference of heat radiating material is so big that the temperature $P_1$ is 9.0~12.3% higher in 3W and 42.7~54.0% higher in case of 6W volume difference of heat radiating material is so big that the temperature $P_1$ is 9.0~12.3% higher in 3W and 42.7~54.0% higher in case of 6W even though heat transfer rate of copper is approximately 1.9 times higher than that of aluminum. It was thought that this is useful to utilize for heat sink for low power LED light with the low heating rate. Also, the illumination could be greatly influenced by the surrounding temperature of the place where it is installed. Therefore, it seems that the illumination installation environment must be taken into consideration when selecting illumination. Further study was expected on order to aims at development of an exterior surface itself made into heat radiation plate by application of this technology in future.



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