The Planning Methods of Adaptively Reusing Abandoned Industrial Facilities as Cultural Spaces - Focused on the Buildings of Abandoned Industrial Facilities -

문화공간 조성 사례에 나타나는 유휴 산업시설의 재활용 계획 방법 연구 - 유휴 산업시설의 건축물 재활용 계획 방법을 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2013.06.25


The study aims to draw adaptive reuse methods for the buildings of abandoned industrial facilities through analyzing cases now renovated to cultural spaces. The case analysis focused on exterior, structure, space of building. and building uses. First, the adaptive reuse methods for the exterior and the structure are characterized by preserving the historicity and identity of the facilities and reproducing the placeness of area. The 'preservation' methods are the preservation of 1)the quality of material and the color, 2)the finishing material and the form, 3)the original style of architecture, 4)the material property of structure, and 5)the structure itself. The 'modification' methods are in the aspect of 1)improving the image, and 2)securing the symbolism. The 'restoration' methods are the restoration of 1)the interrupted function and 2)the demolished facilities. Second, the adaptive reuse methods for the space are characterized by utilizing the flexibility of the inside and outside spaces and creating the spaces to accommodate new purpose and to connect the functions between the facilities. The 'utilization' methods are 1)the division of inner space, and 2)the discovery of outdoor space. The 'extension' methods are 1)the connection between existing facilities, 2)the extension of existing facilities, and 3)the extension of new building. Third, the adaptive reuse methods for the building uses are use alteration 1)excluding and 2) reflecting the use of existing facilities.



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