Case Studies on the Sustainable Architecture Guidelines in United Kingdom

영국의 지속가능한 건축 가이드라인의 특성 연구

  • 임영환 (홍익대 건축대학 건축학부)
  • Published : 2013.06.25


Current issues of 'Sustainability' seem to seek the technical values and focused on the energy reduction. 'Sustainable architecture' is distinguished to limited meanings of 'environmentally friendly architecture', 'eco-friendly architecture', or 'green architecture'. Sustainable architecture involves a combination of values : aesthetic, environmental, social, political, and moral. It's about using one's imagination and technical knowledge to engage in central aspect of the practice - designing and building in harmony with our environment. Unlike certification system of green building, the sustainable architecture guidelines suggests both development of advanced technologies and sustainable thoughts which induce changing patterns of our behaviour. This study is based on the sustainable ethics encouraging moral responsibility toward current reckless energy consumption. The citizenship of sustainable society could be achieved when these ideas are naturally embraced. The guideline involves life cycle strategy from planning to demolition, convergence of sustainable technologies and ideas, and environmental friendly solution of both city and architecture.



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