Comparative Analysis on the Architectural Design Vocabulary in the Early Design Stage of Passive Houses

패시브주택 초기설계단계에서의 건축설계요소 분석연구

  • 추소연 ((주)제드엠제이건축사사무소) ;
  • 차지원 ((주)제드엠제이건축사사무소) ;
  • 이명주 (명지대학교 건축대학)
  • Published : 2013.06.25


Though the importance of energy efficient building is being progressively recognized, the absence of the design strategy in early stages of design increases the cost and hinders their proliferation. In order to help novice designers to comprehend a certain level of cost-efficient and energy efficient design integration in an intuitive manner, this research examines architectural design components of the passive house, which could be considered in early phase of design. In this study, plans of 35 PHI certified passive houses in Germany were analyzed, mainly focusing on the "architectural" design vocabulary, rather than building energy performance. The early design stage and its design components are defined in accordance with German and Korean ordinance on architects' performance and fees. As a result, there was no indispensable requirement for passive house design, even including building orientation and compactness, although every project tends to maximize solar energy use and minimize heat loss through the building envelope. Futhermore, in addition to south facing windows, the open floor plan was also important in circulating warm air for overall indoor thermal comfort. The paper affirms the importance of integrated planning in passive house design, showing that its architectural design vocabulary has already included technical consideration from early phase, such as ventilation, plumbing, technical layout etc.



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