A Study on the Spatial Composition Types of Performing Arts Centers

공연문화시설 공간배치유형과 특징에 관한 연구

  • 고재민 (수원과학대학교 실내건축디자인과) ;
  • 신영준 (해안종합건축사사무소) ;
  • 임호균 (연세대학교 주거환경학과)
  • Published : 2013.06.25


In the 21st century, which is often called 'the cultural era', performing art has become an important field in terms of its influence or importance in the society. A performing arts center is a place for delivering performance art to the public, so systematic and rational spatial composition of the performing canters is an important factor for quality performance. The spatial composition of performing arts centers plays a determinant role in completing performance art. The aspects of circulation and space for users in Korean performing arts centers were found to be poor, compared with the foreign performing arts centers; this was because each functional space was not composed in relation with other spaces. As a result, performers as well as staff members who produce performances express a lot of complaints about the inconvenience of the centers. Focusing on the stage and the auditorium, their relationship with the remaining backstage space should be investigated, and the composition types of the backstage space should be included as a fundamental research area. More research should be conducted on the spatial composition of backstage, which has been ignored even if it is a major part of performance art, in order to meet various needs when constructing performing arts centers in the future. Accordingly, this study is conducted to classify the types of spatial compositions and to provide a basic data about an efficient spatial composition by analyzing each composition type, so that an appropriate, efficient composition type can be suggested for the characteristics of the performing arts centers that will be built in the future. For this study, various layouts, sectional diagrams, and pictures of performing arts centers obtained from a literature review are analyzed to ensure validity and objectivity. The performing arts centers that have been evaluated as excellent by experts are used for this study. From research on the types of Front-of-House (F.O.H), stage, and backstage, the spatial composition of performing arts centers can be largely classified into four types: The parallel type, the three-dimensional type, the block type, and the complex type.



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