A Study on the Educational Background and Architectural Activites of Architect Kim, Yun-Gi in His Early Times

건축가 김윤기의 초년기 교육과정과 건축활동에 관한 고찰

  • 김용범 (가나가와대학 일본상민문화연구소 비문자자료연구센터)
  • Published : 2013.06.25


This study aims to re-evaluate Korean architects of the first generation through tracing careers and activities of their lifetime, and as a part of the study, this report paid attention to trace growth and educational background of architect Kim, Yun-Gi with his graduation thesis of Waseda University, newly discovered by the author. Architect Kim had a strong inspiration with severely poor status of housing environment of Korea when he made his mind to choose architecture for his major and to study abroad at Waseda university of Japan. This report introduced the contents of his graduation thesis, verifying his thoughts of housing improvement with his retrospects. During his school times, architect Kim initiated a science movement for his country through the activites of Koryo Industrial Meeting with his fellows, simultaneously performing investigations of Korean common houses for his graduation thesis. Architect Kims graduation thesis has a great importance for a unique historial material for studying Korean common houses of those times, and it reveals that he had enormous interests in improving On-Dol of Korean traditional heating system and its lifestyle. These opinions about housing improvement are maintained steadily in his housing theories produced in the future. This study will deepen analyzing the contents of Architect Kims graduation thesis and verifying the degree of relations between the thesis and his future housing theories, being based on the result of this report.



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