A Study on the Characteristics of Expressive Symbolization and its Application in Crematorium

화장시설의 상징 표현 특성과 적용에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2013.04.25


In these days, many crematoriums were built or extended. These newly formed crematoriums are differentiated in terms of size and its level of quality. Since architectural guidelines for the facility have not been established properly, some of low quality crematoriums not provide an atmosphere suitable for the bereaved and the condoler to focus on the ceremony and cause negative effects on improving funeral culture. This study aims to offer an environment to regard architectural design aspect to funeral facilities and provide a method applying symbolic architectural gesture into crematorium to improve visitors emotion. It can be said that Symbolization can takes significant effects on emotion, memory and behavior of visitors. By applying different types of symbolization in different spaces within the facility, positive emotional effects on visitors are expected. first, form factors play an important role in causing the visual response at exterior space & ritual area. second, indirect experiences of light have transcendent symbolism at ritual area & cremation area. third, warter spaces provide psychological stability at shared area.



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