A Study on the Energy Consumptions and Their Patterns in Apartment Housing

아파트 거주자(居住者)의 에너지 사용규모(使用規模)와 패턴에 관한 연구(硏究)

  • 신현익 (금오공과대학교 건축학부)
  • Published : 2013.04.25


Energy consumption is an issue in the built environment. Since energy costs are significant in an apartment building mainly for heating, cooling, and lighting, it is very important to identify energy consumption patterns in the building. In addition, energy consumption in a dwelling is also closely related to the household's operating costs for the life of the apartment. Therefore, it is very important that residents of apartments consider energy consumption and use patterns to minimize the operating costs of the apartment. To determine energy consumption patterns in apartment buildings, this study collected utility data from the owners of 614 apartments to include natural gas, electricity, and water consumption from January 2010 to December 2010. The number of users in each apartment and the orientation of the building was also recorded. The apartments are located in the Walbae district in Daegu, South Korea and have been occupied since August 2008. The study found that February is the lowest month of water consumption and August is the highest. The highest month of natural gas use is January, 1,038.7% higher than the lowest gas consumption in July. August is the month with the highest consumption of electricity, 62.6% higher than the lowest consumption in May.



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