A Study on the Factor of Change in the Area Ratio of the Local Public Libraries

지역공공도서관의 면적구성비 변화요인에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2013.02.28


The purpose of this study is to arrive at a conclusion by analyzing the change in the area ratio responding to polish and management in the libraries, and the want of residents during the area changing from the beginning of the public libraries in Busan. For the study, the floor plan of the targeted libraries were secured to investigate the existing state of the libraries, and the current and the beginning floor plan were compared and analyzed. Also, changing shape of each function room, area change in each room and floor, change in the entire floor area, and movement among floors were researched to figure the actual condition of the reorganizing of the space allocation ratio. It suggests the factors that should be examined to reorganize the area ratio of the public library in Busan when planning the libraries. This study emphasizes the pattern of the architectural spacial change that occurs when a public library serves its role as a central function in cultural education of a community while analyzing the program of the public library and the space change that is followed by current social role of public library and functional change, and gives the resources to be make use of when planing library in the future.



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