복합용도개발에 따른 주변지역 건축물 용도변화 특성에 관한 연구 - 서울 영등포 타임스퀘어를 중심으로 -

A Study on the Building Uses Change of the Surrounding Areas Result from the Development of Mixed-Use Complex in Seoul

  • 발행 : 2013.01.25


Because of the rapid urbanization, the decline of the city center and lack of infrastructure occurred. To solve these problems, it is needed to develop the mixed-use complex owing to a variety of features which can be used simultaneously as a means of urban regeneration. Since 2000, variety of mixed-use development is being made in Korea. There are many recent examples of mixed-use development that is performed mainly to the large-scale development. Particularly the case of Seoul, concurrent development is underway for local economy. Unlike the single-use development, mixed-use development includes a variety of facilities and elements will affect the active region, and it would effect on the surrounding areas. Preceded by a variety of research on mixed-use development so far, but there are not enough studies about the impact of enforced according to the mixed-use complex development in terms of building uses in the surrounding areas. In this study, known as a means of urban revitalization, mixed-use complex development made actually impact the surrounding area land-uses before and after by the change of building uses. It has been presented and examined in terms of analysis. It also provide the basic patterns to predict changes in uses. This kinds of research findings can propose the guidelines for the planning direction of future mixed-use complex development.



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