A Study on the Characteristics of Urban Structure & Outdoor Space Composition in Jung-Dong District, Seoul - Focusing on the Outdoor Space Composition in Large-scale Lots -

서울, 정동지역의 도시구조와 외부공간구성 특성에 관한 연구 - 대형필지 내 외부공간구성을 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2013.01.25


This study was carried out on an extension of the study to understand Seoul. And, the purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics and essences of urban structure & outdoor space composition, to reveal the various possibilities of Jung_Dong, where is distinct from other areas of Seoul. For the study, we use basically the framework of analysis which was used in previous studies about Seoul, and analyse Jung_Dong dividing history in 3 parts according to historical events considering the relationship between historical contexts and the components who consist urban structure. In particular, analysing the large-scale lots who have the strong influences on the characteristics of urban structure of Jung_Dong, we reveal the essences of the characteristics of urban outdoor space composition. The conclusions of this study are summarized as follows. In Jung-Dong, where the important historical events occurred, the large-scale lots have the atypical forms according to the topography and the boundaries according to the differences of the levels. The functional characters and the geological conditions of the large-scale lots play important roles in characterizing urban outdoor spaces & structures and maintaining them without significant changes to the present. The buildings constructed on the large-scale lots are inner-directed rather than road-directed and the group of buildings placed make outdoor spaces with various forms & scales. These characteristics of urban structures make outdoor spaces with a continuous flow and various spatial possibilities.



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