노인을 위한 공동주택 주민공동시설 계획에 관한 연구

A Study on Public Facilities Plan of Apartment Housings for the Elderly Residents

  • 발행 : 2013.01.25


With the rapid transition from aged society to super-aged society in the recent years, the critical focus has been the issues of physical and mental health, financial situations and leisure time of the elderly. In order to solve these problems, diverse programs have been provided by senior welfare centers to aid the elderly in regard to their physical and mental health, and there has been increasing demand for apartment housings to provide programs for the elderly. However, the thing is that there are insufficient facilities and programs planned by the public facilities of apartment housings to meet to the needs of the elderly. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to classify the programs that can support the physical and mental health of seniors by investigating a program presently conducted by the Seoul Senior Welfare Center, and investigate the need for such programs by questioning social workers in order to present a direction for a public facilities plan.



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