A Study on the Physical Characteristics of Pilotis Spaces of Apartment Complexes in the New City Dongtan, Hwaseong

화성 동탄 신도시 아파트 단지 필로티 공간의 물리적 특성에 관한 연구

  • 송병하 (홍익대학교 건축공학부) ;
  • 이기석 (홍익대학교 건축공학부, 선문대)
  • Published : 2013.01.25


The purpose of this study is to investigate the physical characteristics of apartment complexes in the new city equipped with the relatively new pilotis built recently so that the pilotis spaces of lower level of main building within the apartment complexes may be utilized as more satisfactory space and is to provide the basic data for the pilotis space planning within the apartment complex in the future by seeking for the issues in dispute and the improvement direction. In the phase of preliminary investigation, the location of pilotis at each complex and its density characteristic have been investigated by pre-visit investigation of total 20 complexes out of complexes with minimum more than 2 main buildings equipped with the pilotis space within each complex out of all apartment complexes in the new city Dongtan, Hwaseong. In the phase of main investigation, the physical characteristic by the pilotis at each complex has been investigated in detail after dividing from the angle of 'the openness', 'the accessibility', 'the spatial utilization' and 'the surveillance' by selecting 8 complexes with the comparatively higher ratio of household out of complexes comprehended in the preliminary investigation. The pilotis type has been divided into largely as 'the overhanging type access + the pilotis addition type' and 'the pilotis access type', each physical characteristic has been compared and analyzed respectively. The conclusion of this study is as follows; First, the pilotis type of apartment in the new city Dongtan, Hwaseong may be classified largely as 'the overhanging type access + the pilotis addition type' and 'the pilotis access type'. Second, 'the overhanging type access + the pilotis addition type' are insufficient state compared to 'the pilotis access type' from the angle of 'the openness', 'the accessibility', 'the spatial utilization' and 'the surveillance. Third, 'the overhanging type access + the pilotis addition type' is adopted method to achieve the advantage of two methods as the in-between format between 'the overhanging entrance' method and 'the pilotis access type', however it can not strengthen the advantage but rather may result in the dead space if the consideration for the planning of 'the openness', 'the accessibility', 'the spatial utilization' and 'the surveillance' is insufficient.



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