대안적 유형의 디지털 신제품 수용에 관한 연구 - 태블릿 PC 미사용자의 사용의도를 중심으로 -

A Study on Acceptance of Alternative Types of New Digital Product: Focusing on the Intentions of Nonusers of Tablet PC

  • 임양환 (사이버한국외국어대학교 경영학부)
  • 발행 : 2013.09.30


In this study, the relationships of factors influencing the ways alternative types of new digital products are accepted into the market will be structuralized. On the basis of previous research, it is assumed that customers intend to use alternative types of new digital products when they have a higher value than existing products. The consumer's feeling of attraction toward the product is another factor included in the evaluation of its quality. And the attraction of the products that the consumers feel is also included in the evaluation of the qualities of the product. The results of the study indicate first that a product's value affects its attraction, but not the usage intention of the customer. Second, the benefits of the product affect the customer's recognition of its value, while cost does not. Third, environment affects recognition by the customer of the product's attraction, while knowledge of the product does not. By structuralizing the factors that influence the customer's usage intention about alternative types of new digital devices, the causal relationships of the factors involved in the acceptance of new products into the market and their success can be comprehended.



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