A Study of Evaluation Model for Culture Contents' Value Evaluation

문화콘텐츠 가치평가의 평가모형에 관한 연구

  • 권지혁 (인하대학교 문화경영심리연구소) ;
  • 백승국 (인하대학교 문화콘텐츠학부/대학원 문화경영학과) ;
  • 손기동 (인하대학교 문화경영학과)
  • Published : 2013.09.30


Recognizing a limits on quantitative evaluation of cultural contents' and for its betterment, study aims developing a qualitative evaluation model. For this study, Reception Theory, Semiotics and Psychology were derived for epistemological dimension to contemplate culture contents' essential attribute. To be concrete, cultural contents was examined as experiential products, emotional products, rememberable products and texts. Also, codes of fun, emotion and culture were discussed as intrinsic attributes for cultural contents and how those attributes were expressed or composed in cultural contents was discussed as well. Evaluation items were extracted based on final discussion at the epistemic level, set up the final evaluation model by taking experts' advices on each items. With all those outcomes, qualitative evaluation model for cultural contents was developed. For the importance of each index in the model, priority was granted by weighting on each index. Lastly, evaluation scale was developed for each index. The culture contents' evaluation model developed in study is meaningful not only in drawing qualitative evaluation items of video(image) contents and developing the index and model for the first time, but also its possibility of wide use for other genres.



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