스마트폰 보안 취약 요소에 따른 분석 연구

The Research of Security Vulnerabilities of Smartphone

  • 발행 : 2013.09.30


The merits of Smartphone are portability, convenience and especially a lot of information can be stored in the device. Especially in Smartphone, users can install programs that cannot install to normal cell phone and users can use many different services through these Smartphone programs. Also Smartphone can connect to Internet through network, so it can access information anytime, anywhere easily. Security of personal information and variety of information which stored in Smartphone are in risk. In Chapter 2 of thesis, it will discuss the definition and features of the Smartphone and market trends. In Chapter 3 of thesis, it will discuss security vulnerabilities of Smartphone and it will analyze and research security vulnerabilities of Smartphone in Chapter 4. In conclusion, it will check users' identification twice in useful application especially application that relate to finance and mobile payment. By checking users' identification several times, it will help to defend from security threats. Users can use Smartphone safely and convenience by know how to prevent from mobile hacking for personal and private information. the quality of APIs matching by the clustering and hierarchical relationships mechanism.



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