간호사와 초등교사의 임금변화 비교와 간호사의 직장규모 및 지역별 임금 변화

Trends in Salaries for Registered Nurses Compared with Elementary School Teachers and Salary Differences by Workplace Size and Geographic Location

  • 투고 : 2012.11.16
  • 심사 : 2012.12.23
  • 발행 : 2013.01.31


Purpose: To analyze trends in salaries for registered nurses when compared with salaries for elementary school teachers from 2002 to 2009 and identify salary gaps of nurses according to workplace size and geographic location. Methods: Data were obtained from the Occupational Employment Statistics collected by the Korea Employment Information Services each year from 2002 to 2009. The study sample consisted of 2,281 registered nurses and 2,578 elementary school teachers. Linear multiple regression analyses were conducted to analyze salary trends and differences. Results: Elementary school teachers had higher monthly salaries than nurses with a baccalaureate degree after adjusting for years of work. Salary differences increased significantly by 40,000 won every year (p<.001). Nurses working in large facilities in Seoul had the highest salaries, whereas those in small/medium, non-Seoul facilities had the lowest salaries consistently over time. Salary differences between the two groups increased by 47,000 won every year (p=.001); salary differences between nurses in large, non-Seoul facilities and those in small/medium, non-Seoul facilities also increased by 40,000 won annually (p=.001). Conclusion: Geographical imbalances in the nurse workforce and nurse shortages in small/medium, non-capital facilities could be reduced by increasing the salary of nurses working in those facilities.



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