소프트웨어 리파지토리 마이닝의 연구 동향 및 분야 소개

  • Published : 2013.10.15




  1. MSR, http://www.msrconf.org
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  13. Wang, X., Zhang, L., Xie, T., Anvik, J., and Sun, J., "An approach to detecting duplicate bug reports using natural language and execution information," Proc. Int'l Conf. on Software Eng., pp.461-470, 2008
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  16. Lamkanfi, A., Demeyer, S., Giger, E., and Goethals, B., "Predicting the severity of a reported bug," Proc. of MSR2010, pp. 1-10, 2010.
  17. Gegick, M., Rotella, P., and Xie, T., "Identifying security bug reports via text mining: an industrial case study," Proc. of MSR2010, pp. 11-20, 2010.
  18. Matter, D., Kuhn, A., and Nierstrasz, O., "Assigning bug reports using a vocabulary-based experties model of developers," Proc. of MSR2009, pp. 131-140, 2009.
  19. Kagdi, H., Gethers, M., Poshyvanyk, D., and Hammad, M., "Assigning change requests to software developers," Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 3-33, 2012. https://doi.org/10.1002/smr.530
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  21. Kim, H., and Zeller, A., "The Impact of Tangled Code Changes," Proc. of MSR2013, pp. 121-130, 2013.
  22. Ratzinger, J., Sigmund, T., and Gall, H. C., "On the relation of refactoring and software defects," Proc. of MSR2008, pp.35-38, 2008.
  23. Taneja, K., Dig, D., and Xie, T., "Automated detection of api refactorings in libraries," Proc. Int'l Conf. on Automated Software Eng., pp. 377-380, 2007.
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  25. Sinha, V.S., Mani, S., and Sinha, S., "Entering the circle of trust: developer initiation as committers in opensource projects," Proc. of MSR2011, pp.133-142, 2011.
  26. Gousios, G., Kalliamvakou, E., and Spinellis, D., "Measuring developer contribution from source repository data," Proc. of MSR2008, pp.129-132, 2008.
  27. Alonso, O., Devanbu, P.R., and Gertz, M., "Expertise Identification and Visualization from CVS," Proc. of MSR2008, pp. 125-128, 2008.
  28. Schuler, D. and Zimmermann, T., "Mining Usage Expertise from Version Archives," Proc. of MSR2008, pp. 121-124, 2008.
  29. Holmes, R. and Begel, A., "Deep Intellisense: a tool for rehydrating evaporated information," Proc. of MSR2008, pp. 23 -26, 2008.
  30. Bradley, A. W. J. and Murphy, G.C., "Supporting software history exploration," Proc. of MSR 2011, pp.193- 202, 2011.
  31. Davies, J., German, D.M., Godfrey, M.W., and Hindle, A., "Software bertillonage: finding the provenance of an entity," Proc. of MSR2011, pp.183-192, 2011.
  32. Eshkevari, L.M., Arnaoudova, V., Di, Penta, M., Oliveto R., Guéhéneuc, Y., and Antoniol, G., "An exploratory study of identifier renamings," Proc. of MSR2011, pp. 33-42, 2011.
  33. Enslen, E., Hill, E., Pollock, L., and Vijay-Shanker, K., "Mining Source Code to Automatically Split Identifiers for Software Analysis," Proc. of MSR2009, pp. 71-80, 2009.
  34. Binkley, D., Lawrie, D., Pollock, L., Hill, E., and Vijay-Shanker K., "A Dataset for Evaluating Identifier Splitters," Proc. of MSR2013, pp. 401-404, 2013.
  35. Omori, T. and Maruyama, K., "A Change-Aware Development Environment by Recording Editing Operations of Source Code," Proc. of MSR2008, pp. 31-34, 2008.
  36. Aversano, L., Cerulo, L., and Penta, M. D., "How clones are maintained: an empirical study," Proc. European Conf. on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, pp. 81-90, 2007.
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  38. Lozano, A., Wermelinger, M., and Nuseibeh, B., "Evaluating the harmfulness of cloning: a change based experiment," Proc. of MSR2007, pp.18-21, 2007.
  39. Lozano, A. and Wermelinger, M., "Assessing the effect of clones on changeability," Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Software Maintenance, pp.227-236, 2008.
  40. Rahman, F., Bird, C., and Devanbu, P., "Clones: what is that smell?," Proc. of MSR 2010, pp. 72-81, 2010.
  41. Boogerd, C. and Moonen, L., "Evaluating the relation between coding standard violations and faults within and across software versions," Proc. of MSR 2009, pp. 41-50, 2009.
  42. Bachmann, A. and Bernstein, A., "When process data quality affects the number of bugs: correlations in software engineering datasets," Proc. of MSR 2010, pp. 62-71, 2010.
  43. Maalej, W. and Happel, H., "From work to word: how do software developers describe their work?," Proc. of MSR2009, pp. 121-120, 2009.
  44. Hindle, A., German, D. M., and Holt, R., "What do large commits tell us? A taxonomical study of large commits," Proc. of MSR2008, pp. 99-108, 2008.
  45. Nguyen, H. A., Nguyen, T. T., Wilson, Jr. G., Nguyen, A. T., Kim, M., and Ngyuen, T. N., "A Graph-based approach to API usage adaptation," Proc. Int'l Conf. on Object-oriented programming systems languages and applications, pp.302-321, 2010.
  46. Yu, L., Tsai, W.T., Zhao, W., and Wu, F., "Predicting defect priority based on neural networks," Proc. Int'l Conf. on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, pp. 356-367, 2010.