Through years of effort, researchers have made notable progress in gene and microRNA fields about retinoblastoma morbidity. However, experimentally validated data for genes, microRNAs (miRNAs) and transcription factors (TFs) can only be found in a scattered form, which makes it difficult to conclude the relationship between genes and retinoblastoma systematically. In this study, we regarded genes, miRNAs and TFs as elements in the regulatory network and focused on the relationship between pairs of examples. In this way, we paid attention to all the elements macroscopically, instead of only researching one or several. To show regulatory relationships over genes, miRNAs and TFs clearly, we constructed 3 regulatory networks hierarchically, including a differentially expressed network, a related network and a global network, for analysis of similarities and comparison of differences. After construction of the three networks, important pathways were highlighted. We constructed an upstream and downstream element table of differentially expressed genes and miRNAs, in which we found self-adaption relations and circle-regulation. Our study systematically assessed factors in the pathogenesis of retinoblastoma and provided theoretical foundations for gene therapy researchers. In future studies, especial attention should be paid to the highlighted genes and miRNAs.