BCRP Expression in VX2 Rabbit Liver Tumours and its Effects on Tumour Recurrence, Metastasis and Treatment Tolerability

  • Li, Cai-Xia (Department of Radiology, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University) ;
  • Zhang, Kai (Department of Radiology, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University) ;
  • Xie, Fu-Bo (Department of Radiology, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University)
  • 발행 : 2013.09.30


Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effects of BCRP expression on tumor recurrence, metastasis and treatment tolerability. Methods: A VX2 rabbit liver tumor model was established. Division was randomly into 4 groups: namely saline control group; A group, given hydration lipiodol; B group, Ad-p53; and C group, Ad-p53+hydration lipiodol. After the intervention, samples were collected to detect the BCRP, MMP-2, VEGF and PCNA. Results: The expression of BCRP, MMP-2, PCNA and VEGF in tumors in Group A had no significant difference when compared with the control group, while in B and C group, the values were significantly lower (P<0.05). BCRP positive expression in metastatic lesions significantly increased (P<0.05), and was correlated with MMP-2 ($X^2=6.172$, P=0.0131). Conclusions: BCRP may play an important role in mediating liver cancer multidrug resistance to chemotherapy, and may be correlated with tumor recurrence and metastasis, which leads to weakened treatment effect. Ad-P53 can down-regulate the expression of related genes, playing a role in multidrug resistance reversal and increased sensitivity in liver cancer treatment.



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