Supported by : 가천대학교
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- 김성률 외, 에이젠슈타인의 몽타주 이론을 통해 본 르 꼬르뷔제 건축과 이론, 대한건축학회논문집 제 24권 11호, 2008
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- Toyo Ito and Ron Witte, CASE: Toyo Ito, Sendai Mediath eque, Prestel Verlag GmbH & Company KG, 2002
- Kenneth Frampton, Modern Architecture: A Critical History. London: Thames & Hudson, 1980.
- Barry Maitland, The Grid, Oppositions 15/16, Winter/Spring, The MIT press, 1979
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- Colin Rowe, "Chicago Frame-Chicago's Place in the Mod ern Movement", Architectural Review Nov. 1956