풍압실험과 풍하중 기준에 따른 피크외압계수의 비교

Comparison of Peak External Pressure Coefficients with Experiment and Wind Load Provisions

  • 투고 : 2013.09.05
  • 발행 : 2013.11.25


This study has compared the equivalent external pressure coefficients, $(GC_{pf})_{eq}$, with 6 wind load provisions and wind tunnel test data. The wind load provisions are the ASCE 7-10, NBCC 2010, AS/NZS 2011, EN 2005, AIJ 2004 and KBC 2009. Experiment data on low-rise building have been obtained at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) to contribute to the NIST aerodynamic database. For the experiment, a model with 1:12 of roof slope and 4.9 and 12.2m of eave height was used under open terrain and suburban terrain conditions. $(GC_{pf})_{eq}$ was re-normalized based on the external pressure coefficients, $GC_{pf}$, of ASCE 7-10. When compared to $(GC_{pf})_{eq}$ of the experiment data with 4.9m of eaveheight in open terrain, consequently, ASCE7-10(81%), NBCC2010 (84%), AS/NZS 2011 (70%), AIJ 2004 (68%) and KBC 2009 (53%) were all underestimated. Among them, KBC 2009 reveals the lowest value. On the contrary, EN2005 was overestimated with 122%. When the eave height was 12.2m, in addition, the same pattern was observed in most codes. EN2005 was slightly overestimated with 115%. When compared to $(GC_{pf})_{eq}$ of the experiment data in suburban terrain, in addition, the same pattern was observed in most code.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국연구재단


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