베트남 이동 통신 서비스 품질이 고객충성도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 베트남 사용자를 중심으로

A Study On The Effect of Mobile Communication Service Quality On Customers Loyalty in Vietnam

  • 투고 : 2013.07.20
  • 심사 : 2013.09.16
  • 발행 : 2013.09.30


Mobile communication industry is attracting a lot of attention all over the world and is expected to continue developing endlessly with the current rapid development of IT industry. Nowadays, mobile communication companies of vietnam are competing about service quality in order to retain existing customers and improve customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. This study attempts to research about the effect of mobile communication service quality on customer satisfaction and affecting relationship between customers satisfaction and customer loyalty. In this research empirically examine how mobile communication service quality influence customer loyalty in Vietnam. To do this, after considering characteristics of mobile communication service quality, quality measurement instrument was designed including call quality, call charge, cellphone, added service quality, corporate image, employee's attitude, and behavior. The study finds that all factors of call quality, added servces quality, corporate image, employee's attitude and behavior have positive effect on customer satisfaction except call charge and customers satisfaction also effects customers loyalty positively. From these results, Vietnam domestic mobile communication companies and foreign companies can grasp the general information about Vietnam mobile communication industry, and then, establish customers satisfaction strategies more effectively.



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