멥쌀과 찹쌀전분의 초미립분쇄 후 특성변화연구

Characterization of pulverized normal and waxy rice starches

  • 한정아 (상명대학교 외식영양학과)
  • Han, Jung-Ah (Department of Foodservice Management and Nutrition, Sangmyung University)
  • 투고 : 2013.10.28
  • 심사 : 2013.12.31
  • 발행 : 2013.12.31


Separated normal and waxy rice starches were pulverized, and the physicochemical and digestive properties of the starches were determined. The size of both starch granules significantly decreased (less than $8{\mu}m$) after pulverization. For pasting properties, significant decreases of peak and setback viscosity were observed in both of pulverized starches than in native ones. The lower pasting temperature as well as increased solubility and water binding capacity of pulverized starches imply molecular degradation of starch by pulverization. For thermal properties, onset temperature and melting enthalpy significantly decreased after pulverization, especially in normal rice starch, however there was no difference in amylose-lipid complex before andafter pulverization. The slowly digestible and resistant starch portion of normal rice starch increased after pulverization, however, in waxy rice starch, the rapidly digestible portion increased.



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