자기계발서 전성시대와 힐링 인문학

The golden age of self-development books and healing humanities

  • 투고 : 2013.09.13
  • 심사 : 2013.11.20
  • 발행 : 2013.11.28


IMF 구제금융 사태 이후 신자유주의가 이 땅에 뿌리를 내려가면서 한국의 도서시장은 소위 자기계발서로 화끈 달아올랐다. 신자유주의 사회체제에서 자기계발서의 환상은 인적자원개발을 통한 개인의 경쟁력 향상과 맞물려 필연적으로 자본이 추구하는 상품화의 수단으로 전락하고 말았다. 경쟁사회에서의 낙오를 순전히 개인의 책임으로, 그리고 남들에 비해서 무엇인가 근본적 요소가 결여된 존재로 인정하게 만드는 자기계발서의 특징들은 이처럼 선택을 강요당하는 개인들에게 끊임없이 불안감과 무력감을 조성하는 함정에 빠뜨리고 만다. 자기계발과 힐링은 보완적 관계이다. 인간이 자기계발에 매진하다 보면 힐링을 필요로 한다. 힐링 인문학이 필요한 것이다. 그러므로 인문학은 자기 자신을 지각하고 발전시키는 '성찰적 삶의 기술'을 유도해야 한다. 개인의 삶의 행복이나 자기 자신의 의미체험이 매우 중요하며, 자기 자신의 감정에 대한 깨어있는 의식적 관계맺음이 '자기강화'로 이끌 수 있기 때문이다

Neo-liberalism after IMF bailout made the Korean book market flushing with rose due to the alleged self-development books. Vision of self-development books under neoliberal social system is inevitably reduced to a means of capital pursuing commercialization in line with improving the competitiveness of privates through the development of human resources. Characteristics of self-development books, which attributes personal fail to personal responsibility and lack of essential element compared to others in a competitive society, trap individuals forced to choose into anxiety and helplessness. Self-development and healing is a complementary relationship. Human beings needs healing -healing humanities- in the process of self-development. Therefore, humanities should trigger developing and perceiving his own 'reflexive life skills'. Individual's sense of happiness in life and his own experience is very important, and the conscious relationship about their own feelings could elicit 'self-reinforcement'.



  1. Breen, Michael, trans. Kim Ki Mann, The Koreans. Seoul : Hong Ik Publishing Ltd. Co., pp. 39-41, 1999.
  2. Weber, Max, trans. Kim Duck Young, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit Capitalism. Seoul : Gil Publishing Company, p. 367, 2010.
  3. Hak-Han Kim, "Neo-Liberalism and the Collapse of Public Education," Educational Review. Vol. 1, pp. 52-62, 2000.
  4. McGee, Micki, trans. Kim Sang Hwa, Self Help, Inc. : Makeover Culture in American Life. Seoul : Moyosa, pp. 21-2, 2011.
  5. Jin-Ho Kim, Citizen K, Go to Church. Seoul : Hyeonamsa, pp. 103-6, 2012.
  6. McGee, Micki, trans. Kim Sang Hwa, Self Help, Inc. : Makeover Culture in American Life. Seoul : Moyosa, p. 30. 2011.
  7. McGee, Micki, trans. Kim Sang Hwa, Self Help, Inc. : Makeover Culture in American Life. Seoul : Moyosa, p. 27. 2011.
  8. Covey, Stephen R., trans. Kim Gyeong Sup and Kim Won Seok, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Seoul : Kimyoungsa, p. 22, 1994.
  9. Byrne, Rhonda, trans. Kim U Yel, The Secret. Seoul : Sallim Biz, 2006.
  10. Hyeon Song, Dear My Children, Read My Letters to You. Seoul : Jinmyung Publishing Company, p. 73, 2009.
  11. Sang-Jung Kang, trans. Song Tae Uk, The Reasons to Live. Seoul : Sakyejul, p. 93, 2012.
  12. Ji-Yoon No, "Self-Development Discourse and Life′s Mannager," Korean Sociology Society′s Sociology conference Essays. No 6. p. 988, 2008.
  13. Eun-Kang Ko, "An Essay on Self-Development Ethic in Dangerous Society," Mind Culture Study. Vol. 34, No. 4, p. 116, 2011.
  14. Dong-Jin Seo, Free Will and Self-Development′s Will. Seoul : Dolbegae, 2009.
  15. Eun-Kang Ko, "An Essay on Self-Development Ethic in Dangerous Society," Mind Culture Study. Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 103-4, 2011.
  16. Beck, Ullich, et al., eds. and wirters Han Sang Jin and Sim Young Hee, Dangerous World and Family′s Future. Seoul : Saemulgyoel, p. 129, 2010.
  17. Eun-Kang Ko, "An Essay on Self-Development Ethic in Dangerous Society," Mind Culture Study. Vol. 34, No. 4, p. 116, 2011.
  18. Jeong-Hyeon Kim, "Philosophy and Mind Healing," Mind, Life and Religion(Materials Collection of Spring Academic Conference by Won Kwang Univ. Won Buddhism Research Center), p. 72, 2010.
  19. Byung-Kwen Ko, Expulsion and Escape. Seoul : Greenbee, 2009.
  20. Ki-Ho Han, "Due to the Growth Without Employment Healing Book′s Daily Permissible Ceiling," Hankyoreh 21. No. 935, p. 87, Nov. 12, 2012.
  21. Ki-Ho Han, "Due to the Growth Without Employment Healing Book′s Daily Permissible Ceiling," Hankyoreh 21. No. 935, p. 87, Nov. 12, 2012.
  22. Sun-Hee Yang, "Healing, Profit-making Business," Jungangilbo, Sep. 21, 2012.
  24. Seung-Mu Yu, Min-Ju O, "Deepening Mind Suffering and Weakening Mind Training," Finding Mind Training and Mind Healing in Classics(the 10th Mind Humanity Academic Conference Materials Collection by Won Kwang Univ. Mind Humanity Research Institute). pp. 1-20, 2012.
  25. Jeong-Hyeon Kim, "Philosophy and Mind Healing," Mind, Life and Religion(Materials Collection of Spring Academic Conference by Won Kwang Univ. Won Buddhism Research Center), p. 85, 2010.
  26. Seung-Mu Yu, Min-Ju O, "Deepening Mind Suffering and Weakening Mind Training," Finding Mind Training and Mind Healing in Classics(the 10th Mind Humanity Academic Conference Materials Collection by Won Kwang Univ. Mind Humanity Research Institute). pp. 15, 2012.
  27. Sang-Jung Kang, trans. Song Tae Uk, The Reasons to Live. Seoul : Sakyejul, pp. 120-2, 2012.
  28. Byung-Cheol Han, trans. Kim Tae Hwan, Mudigkeitsgesellschaft. Seoul : Moonji Publishing Co., Ltd., p. 53, 2012.
  29. Byung-Cheol Han, trans. Kim Tae Hwan, Mudigkeitsgesellschaft. Seoul : Moonji Publishing Co., Ltd., p. 6, 2012.
  30. Gyeong-Jang Park, "Street People and Humanities," Humanities in Street. Seoul : Samin, p. 107, 2012.
  31. Seung-Hwan Sin, Now and Here's Humanities. Seoul : Humanitas, pp. 26-9, 2010.
  32. Seung-Hwan Sin, Now and Here's Humanities. Seoul : Humanitas, pp. 23-5, 2010.
  33. Young-In Im, "The Birth of Korean Style Clement Course," Humanities in Street. Seoul : Samin, p. 83, 2012.