실천전통 교육관에 근거한 내러티브 교육과정 설계의 가능성 탐색

A Study of the Narrative Curriculum Design based on Social Practices-based Education

  • 투고 : 2013.11.04
  • 심사 : 2013.12.04
  • 발행 : 2013.12.31


This study aims to explore the direction of design for narrative curriculum of 'The social practices-based education'. In chapter 2, this study addresses the theoretical criteria for social practices, social practices-based education and narrative curriculum and identifies their characteristics. In chapter 3, the association between social practices and narrative curriculum is identified through a study on the relation between social practices and narrative curriculum. In chapter 4, this study investigates the 5 steps of designing narrative curriculum's templet proposed by C. Lauritzen and M. Jaeger (1997), based on which this study intends to explore the direction of design for narrative curriculum.



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