남성용 작업복 팬츠 3차원 가상착의 시뮬레이션 평가

The Computerized 3-D Clothing Simulation for the Evaluation of Men's Working Pants

  • 박진아 (국립창원대학교 의류학과)
  • Park, Gin Ah (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Changwon National University)
  • 투고 : 2013.07.26
  • 심사 : 2013.10.04
  • 발행 : 2013.12.31


The study was aimed to develop men's working pants patterns through the computerized 3-D virtual clothing simulation system and to verify the effects of the 3-D simulated outfit by comparing it to the images of the actual outfits. The average body measurements of South Korean men aged between 30 and 39 used for the simulation in order to generate a 3-D virtual model and to realize outfits of men's working pants for the workers in the heavy industry in South Korea. And also the preliminary questionnaire survey results on certain aspects of the working pants such as type, detailed design preference and discomforting parts were taken into consideration. Both the simulated and real images of the developed working pants were compared in terms of the ease amount according to parts of the working pants, the position of seam lines, the appearance of darts and pleats, and the effects of the fabric surface according to expertise panels' subjective 5-point scale evaluation. The results throughout the study were (1) the basic working pants item worn by subject workers were the straight one pleated pants. The most discomforting parts of the working pants were in the order of body rise, thigh, hip, waist, pants hems and knee girth. (2) the drafting factors of pants patterns differed by the men's body features, which was related to the allocation of suppression amounts between waist and hip girths into darts and hip curve amounts on the waist line level of the pants. (3) the similarity of the virtually simulated and real images of men's working pants resulted in an average of 4.5 to the ease of appearance, 4.6 to the seam lines, 4.1 to the fabric surface effects in a 5-point scale, which means that the two were highly alike.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Development of Ergonomic Pattern for Motorcycle Pants Using 3D Virtual Clothing vol.25, pp.2, 2016,
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  3. 디지털 클로딩을 활용한 가상의복의 소재별 비교분석 vol.21, pp.5, 2017,
  4. 비신축성 직물의 고무 밴드 봉제 조건에 따른 신장 특성 분석 vol.45, pp.4, 2013,