Hybrid Path Planning of Multi-Robots for Path Deviation Prevention

군집로봇의 경로이탈 방지를 위한 하이브리드 경로계획 기법

  • Wee, Sung-Gil (Department of Electrical Engineering, Yeungnam University) ;
  • Kim, Yoon-Gu (Robotics System Research Division, DGIST) ;
  • Choi, Jung-Won (Department of Robotics, Yeungnam College of Science & Technology) ;
  • Lee, Suk-Gyu (Department of Electrical Engineering, Yeungnam University)
  • Received : 2013.02.20
  • Accepted : 2013.03.15
  • Published : 2013.05.01


This paper suggests a hybrid path planning method of multi-robots, where a path deviation prevention for maintaining a specific formation is implemented by using repulsive function, $A^*$ algorithm and UKF (Unscented Kalman Filter). The repulsive function in potential field method is used to avoid collision among robots and obstacles. $A^*$ algorithm helps the robots to find optimal path. In addition, error estimation based on UKF guarantees small path deviation of each robot during navigation. The simulation results show that the swarm robots with designated formation successfully avoid obstacles and return to the assigned formation effectively.



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