- IEEE P802.11ac D5.0, January 2013. (
- IEEE 802.11-09/0992r21, "Specification Framework for TGac," January 2011.
- IEEE 802.11-09/0161r2, "802.11ac Usage Models Document," March 2009.
- IEEE 802.11-09/0451r16, "TGac Functional Requirements and Evaluation Methodology," January 2011.
- IEEE 802.11-08/0807r4, "VHT below 6 GHz PAR Plus 5C's," September 2008.
- IEEE 802.11-09/0308r12, "TGac Channel Model Addendum," March 2010.
- "802.11ac: The Fifth Generation of Wi-Fi Technical White Paper," Cisco, 2012(
- 정민호 외, "차세대 무선랜 최신 기술 동향," 전자통신동향 분석 27권 2호, 2012.4월.
- Yong Liu, IEEE 802.11-10/0064r5, "VHT Frame Padding," May 2010.
- Michelle Gong, IEEE 802.11-10/1289r2, "RTS/CTS Operation for Wider Bandwidth," November 2010.
- Brian Hart, IEEE 802.11-10/1281r1, "Bandwidth Indication and Static/Dynamic Indication within Legacy," November 2010.