Overview of Geothermal Energy Projects in Europe and the GEISER Project on Induced Seismicity

지열에너지와 관련한 유럽에서의 연구프로젝트 소개와 유도지진에 관한 GEISER프로젝트의 주요연구결과에 대한 사례연구

  • Yoon, Jeoung Seok (Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences) ;
  • Bruhn, David (Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences) ;
  • Zang, Arno (Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences)
  • Received : 2013.11.13
  • Accepted : 2013.12.11
  • Published : 2013.12.31


This article provides an overview on the geothermal energy research in Europe and one of the EU funded projects 'GEISER (Geothermal Engineering Integrating Mitigation of Induced Seismicity in Reservoirs)' in which the authors were involved. More details are given for description of GEISER, in particular, about aims and discussions and how the project was managed. Emphasis is given to one of the work packages 'Induced Seismicity and Large Magnitude Events (LME)' and results of this work package are summarized. This article intends to summarize the lessons learned in the GEISER project and give recommendations to future geothermal projects by creating Enhanced Geothermal Systems hydraulic stimulation where induced seismicity issues are expected to be a major issue and obstacle.

본 사례연구논문에서는 유럽에서의 지열에너지개발과 관련된 연구프로젝트의 현황에 대한 개괄적인 내용과, 저자가 참여했던 GEISER프로젝트(Geothermal Engineering Integrating Mitigation of Induced Seismicity in Reservoirs)와 핵심세부과제인 유도지진(Induced Seismicity)에 관한 연구결과를 요약 정리하였다. 본 사례연구 논문에서 다룬 GEISER프로젝트의 연구결과와 교훈을 통해 수리자극에 의한 지열저류층 개발과 그에 수반되는 유도지진에 따른 문제가 예상되는 향후 지열에너지개발 프로젝트에 도움이 될 수 있기를 기대한다.



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