Review of Respiratory Disorders in terms of Insurance

주요 호흡기질환의 보험의학적 이해

  • Received : 2013.09.30
  • Accepted : 2013.10.31
  • Published : 2013.11.26


The textbook of insurance medicine is very bulky volume and it's revision time may be long. Nowadays medical knowledge and evidences are developing rapidly. It is necessary to revise current insurance risk of certain disease. Review of respiratory diseases in terms of insurance medicine may be valuable information for insurance doctors and life underwriters. Newly estimated mortality ratio and excess death rate of several respiratory diseases in this review are organizing pneumonia, 266%/44‰; multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, 1200%/110‰; idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, 869%/85‰; VATS lobectomy of stage I lung cancer, 550%/33‰; lymphangioleiomyomatosis 9826%/66‰; lung transplantation 2026%/92‰, respectively.
