ICT Standardization and Innovation Change: Case of ISO Consensus Standardization

  • Kajiura, Masami (Faculty of Business and Commerce, Aichi-Gakuin University)
  • Received : 2013.08.08
  • Accepted : 2013.11.01
  • Published : 2013.07.01


This paper clarifies the change in international technology standardization as a change in innovation. The change comes to be shown in how to take the consensus standard. The tendency to standardize the systematized concept is a rather arduous and complex endeavor. This paper focuses on Mitsubishi Electric Corporation as such a case. The results interpreted from the approach of closed innovation, open innovation, and social innovation. The following findings are clarified by. 1) The consensus standardization is open innovation in which the enterprise creates value. 2) When the value creation is large, the possibility of the maximization of such value capture that achieves the earnings acquisition can be improved. 3. The innovation of the consensus standardization is reciprocal for the stakeholder. The possibility for open and social innovation to supplement the success in innovation mutual and to achieve an effect is suggested.



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