Journal of Korean Academy of Rural Health Nursing (한국농촌간호학회지)
- Volume 7 Issue 2
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- Pages.41-50
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- 2012
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- 1975-8677(pISSN)
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- 2765-2947(eISSN)
Factors Influencing Cognitive Function According to Degree of Cognition in Community Dwelling Elders
재가노인의 인지 정도와 인지 영향요인
- Bang, So-Youn (Department of Nursing, Hyechon College) ;
- Park, Do-Soon (Community Health Practitioner, Sanggok Primary Health Care Post) ;
- Yang, Kyoung-Mi (Department of Nursing, Joongbu University) ;
- Kim, Og-Son (Department of Nursing, Suwon Science College) ;
- Kim, Chang-Hee (Department of Nursing, Youngdong University) ;
- Kim, Myung-Ok (Chungbuk National University Hospital)
- 방소연 (혜천대학교 간호학부) ;
- 박도순 (전북 무주군 적상면 상곡보건진료소) ;
- 양경미 (중부대학교 간호학과) ;
- 김옥선 (수원과학대학교 간호학과) ;
- 김창희 (건양대학교 간호학과) ;
- 김명옥 (충북대학교병원 간호부)
- Received : 2012.09.05
- Accepted : 2012.10.13
- Published : 2012.12.31
Purpose: This study was done to identify differences in factors influencing cognitive function according to the cognition of community dwelling elders. Methods: A convenience sample of 565 community dwelling elders participated in this study and from May to June, 2010 trained research assistants collected data using structured questionnaires. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation, and multiple regression with the SPSS Win 15.0 version. Results: The elders had a slightly low degree of cognitive function. Of the 565 elders, 41.1% were in the normal group for cognitive function and 58.9% in the mild impairment group. Although there were no significant differences in general characteristics between the groups, factors influencing cognitive function were different. Factors influencing elders in the normal group were leisure activity and moderately good health status. These variables accounted for 5.7% of the variance in cognitive function. Factors influencing elders in the mild impairment group were leisure activity, depression, and education level limited to elementary school graduation. These variables accounted for 19.9% of the variance cognitive function. Conclusion: This study provides comprehensive understanding of factors influencing cognitive function in elders. Differentiated nursing interventions according to degree of cognitive function are suggested.