농촌지역 재가노인의 성공적 노화, 우울과 가족기능간의 관계

Relationship of Successful Aging, Depression, and Family Function Among Rural Community Elders Living at Home

  • Ban, Keum-Ok (Division of Health Science, Chung Cheong University) ;
  • Han, Hye-Ja (Department of Nursing, Shinsung University)
  • 투고 : 2012.04.12
  • 심사 : 2012.04.27
  • 발행 : 2012.06.29


Purpose: This study was done to examine the relationship of successful aging, depression, and family function in rural elders. Method: A descriptive correlation study design was used and data of the study were collected from 272 people who were overn 65 years of age and lived in a rural community. Result: The mean score for successful aging was $2.28{\pm}0.46$ points of a maximum 3 points. The elders showed a moderate degree of family function ($6.98{\pm}2.83$ points out of 10 points). The mean score for depression was $6.13{\pm}3.75$ points out of 15 points. There was a statistically significant correlation between successful aging and both depression (r=-.659, p<.001) and family function (r=.621, p<.001). Stepwise regression analysis was done to verify factors influencing successful aging. Depression was the dominant factor accounting for 43.2% of the total variance, followed by family function and age in that order. Inclusion of all of the study values resulted in an explanation power of 61.7%. Conclusion: The study results suggest that the provision of individual socio-psychological, and economic measures is important to promote successful aging in rural areas which are different in terms of socio-cultural as well as regional factors compared to urban areas.
