Gifticon, an Innovative New Service Standing at Crossroads

  • 발행 : 2012.07.30


Gifticon is an innovative new service of SK Marketing & Company. Launched in the end of 2006 for the first time in the world, the mobile gift certificate is in the form of a SMS message that bears a bar code to exchange with real products sent to the intended recipient through internet portal, messenger or/and mobile phones. The service started by connecting individuals (B2C business) and was expanded to the new marketing tools of companies (B2B business). While the business took off with soft progress in the initial year of launch, Gifticon business finally gained its momentum in the growth of sales in its second and third year. Yet, the data showed that the growth of user-base was getting stagnant that the number of users remained flat for the past few months. Moreover, competition from latecomers such as Giftishow from KTF and Heartcon from LG Telecom gets fierce. Particularly in B2B sector where Gifticon has made minimal profit, competitors started aggressive promotional activities, taking away shares from Gifticon. Under these circumstances, team is facing tough strategic decisions for its long-term growth; How can they further grow the business? Should they go after more massive targets for broader user-base? Should they pursue B2B business more aggressively? This case study asks students to come up with solutions for these questions by understanding concepts, theories and models for diffusion of innovations and strategies to overcome a chasm.



This case was developed with the support from Brain Korea 21.