Adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator (ADR) for hydrogen re-liquefaction operating between 24 K and 20 K has been designed. $Dy_{0.9}Gd_{0.1}Ni_2$, whose Curie temperature is 24 K, is selected as a magnetic refrigerant. The magnetic refrigerant powder is sintered with oxygen-free high purity copper (OFHC) powder to enhance its effective thermal conductivity as well as to achieve relatively high frequency. A perforated plate heat exchanger (PPHE) operated with forced convection is utilized as a heat switch. The forced convection heat switch is expected to have fast response relative to a conventional gas-gap heat switch. A conduction-cooled high Tc superconducting (HTS) magnet is employed to apply external magnetic field variation on a magnetic refrigerant. $2^{nd}$ generation GdBCO coated conductor HTS tape with Kapton$^{(R)}$ insulation (SUNAM Inc.) will be utilized for the HTS magnet. The magnetization and demagnetization processes are to be achieved by the AC operation of the HTS magnet. The designed magnetic field and target ramp rate of the HTS magnet are over 4 T with 180 A and 0.4 T/s, respectively. AC loss distribution on HTS magnet is theoretically estimated.