Do Sociodemographic Factors, Smoking Status, and Beliefs about the Health of Others Predict Attitudes about Smoke-free Air Policies in Various Settings?

  • Agley, Jon (Indiana Prevention Resource Center, Indiana University) ;
  • Gassman, Ruth A. (Indiana Prevention Resource Center, Indiana University) ;
  • Kolbe, Lloyd (Department of Applied Health Science, School of Public Health at Indiana University) ;
  • Seo, Dong-Chul (Department of Applied Health Science, School of Public Health at Indiana University) ;
  • Torabi, Mohammad R. (Department of Applied Health Science, School of Public Health at Indiana University)
  • 투고 : 2012.07.26
  • 심사 : 2012.09.20
  • 발행 : 2012.09.30


Objectives: This study examined the extent to which attitudes about smoke-free air policies (SFAPs) in bars/restaurants, workplaces, all public places, and motor vehicles when minors are present can be explained by individuals' sociodemographic characteristics, smoking status, and beliefs about the health of others. Methods: Data were gathered from 359 individuals age 18 or older who attended the Lawrence County Fair in Indiana, United States, in July, 2009, an area where there were no SFAPs in place at the time of survey administration. Results: Multinomial logistic regression analyses indicated that perceived severity of secondhand smoke (SHS) on others, perceived responsibility of smokers for the harm their SHS causes to others, and perceived susceptibility of others to SHS exposure, along with education level and smoking status, significantly predict opposition to SFAPs in this population. Conclusions: The results of this exploratory study suggest the need for additional research related to attitudes about health policies as well as to the practical applications of these findings for smoke-free air advocacy.



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