Alterations in hematological parameters in Republic of Korea Air Force pilots during altitude chamber flight

저압실 비행 훈련이 대한민국 공군 조종사의 혈액 성분에 미치는 영향

  • 김현수 (공군 항공우주의료원 항공우주의학연구센터) ;
  • 전은령 (공군 항공우주의료원 항공우주의학연구센터)
  • Received : 2012.04.05
  • Accepted : 2012.05.02
  • Published : 2012.06.30


An altitude chamber, also known as a hypobaric chamber, is a device used during aerospace or high terrestrial altitude research or training to simulate the effects of high altitude on the human body. Although data from altitude chamber researches using experimental animals have been accumulated, studies in the humans exposed to hypobaric conditions are seldomly reported. Despite the importance of altitude chamber flight training in the field of aviation physiology, the hematological analysis of post-flight physiological changes has rarely been performed. The aims of the present study were to investigate the alterations in blood components during altitude chamber flight and to determine whether the differences between pre- and post-flight values are significant. Sixty experienced pilots in the Republic of Korea Air Force were enrolled in the altitude chamber flight training. Venous blood samples were obtained before and immediately after the flight. Compared with the pre-flight values($6.32{\times}10^3/mm^3$, $5.02{\times}10^6/mm^3$, 15.61 g/dL, respectively), white blood cell count, red blood cell count and hemoglobin level were significantly increased after the flight($6.77{\times}10^3/mm^3$, $5.44{\times}10^6/mm^3$, 16.26 g/dL; p=0.006, p=0.012, p<0.001, respectively). These alterations may be attributable to the exposure to hypobaric hypoxia, 100% oxygen supply for denitrogenation, considerable rise and fall in altitude and psychophysical stress due to these factors. In further studies, experimental groups and methods should be individualized to ensure objectivity and diversification. In addition, multiple time-frame analyses regarding the changing pattern of each blood component are also required to elucidate the physiological process for adapting to the high terrestrial altitude exposure.



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