Application of UAT ADS-B

UAT ADS-B의 국내 적용방안

  • Received : 2012.05.30
  • Accepted : 2012.06.04
  • Published : 2012.06.30


A new operational concept for the CNS/ATM using the digital data communication technology and satellite navigation system is being implemented globally and the United States is the first country to apply UAT ADS-B system for general aviation. Korea also has plan to build ADS-B system for aeronautical surveillance to monitor low altitude flight of light aircraft and ultra-light flying device and the research to develop UAT ADS-B equipment is being carried out. This paper presents the application method of UAT ADS-B to support test operation with case study of foreign UAT ADS-B operation and survey of domestic environment.



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  3. ICAO APAC, Outcome of ADS-B STIF/10, SEA ADS-B WG/6 and APANPIRG/22 on ADS-B planning and implementation by States, SEA/BOB ADS-B WG/7, Nov. 2011
  4. General Aviation Manufacturers Association, "2010 GAMA Statistical Databook & Industry Outlook", 2011