There have been various educational approaches to foster students' creativity in engineering colleges, but little has been conducted based on empirical study results of students' perception on creativity education. This study aims to explore the students' perception on creativity in engineering such as characteristics of creative engineers, the level of individual or group creativity and creative education in engineering colleges. According to the survey results of 538 respondents, engineering students considered three factors such as 'innovative driven', 'eager for high intellectuality', 'activity expression' as characteristics of creative engineer. They evaluated both of individual or group creativity levels as subnormal. They perceived the importance of creativity education, but were not satisfied with current creativity educational experiences. They pointed out 'limited supports of nation or organization', 'credit system decided by the paper-based exam', 'non-systematized creativity classes' as impending factors for creativity in engineering education. Students suggested 'securing the budget for practice and field participation', 'changing of perception on creativity education itself', 'developing the creativity classes combined with engineering subjects' as fostering factors in creativity education. This studdy suggests several implications of educational approaches to creativity education in engineering colleges.