과학기술시대의 책임윤리를 찾아서: 한스 요나스의 "책임의 원칙"을 중심으로

Searching for Responsibility Ethics in Science and Technology Era: Focusing on Hans Jonas's Das Prinzip Veranwortung

  • 김은철 (부산대학교 과학기술학 협동과정) ;
  • 송성수 (부산대학교 기초교육원)
  • Kim, Eun-Cheol (Interdisciplinary Program of Science and Technology Studies, Pusan National University) ;
  • Song, Sung-Soo (Faculty of Liberal Education, Pusan National University)
  • 투고 : 2011.12.01
  • 심사 : 2011.02.02
  • 발행 : 2012.01.31


This paper deals with metaphysical aspects of responsibility focusing on Hans Jonas's Das Prinzip Veranwortung as an attempt to further the discussion on the responsibility of scientists and engineers. After the examination on the necessity of new ethics reflecting the characteristics of contemporary science and technology, the philosophical foundation and major themes of Jonas's future-oriented ethics, i.e. responsibility ethics are analysed. Jonas argued new ethics should consider man and nature simultaneously based on the unification of being and what should be, and presented collectivity, continuity, and future-orientation as a basis of responsibility ethics. In conclusion, this paper suggests implications of Jonas's argument for science and technology ethics such as sustainability, precautionary principle, and responsibility of creator.



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