농촌인적자원개발센터 교육운영의 직무탐색과 직무수행모델 개발

Exploring the Tasks Related with Educational Program Operation and Developing Its Performance Model of Rural HRD Center

  • 김진화 (동의대학교 평생교육학과)
  • 투고 : 2012.05.10
  • 심사 : 2012.06.15
  • 발행 : 2012.06.30


The objectives of this study were to explore the duties and tasks of educational program operation, to develop the performance model including the duties and tasks, and to construct the action manual of the tasks and duties in related with implementing effectively the educational program. The findings of this study were as follows. First, The identifying duties and tasks was 1,942 related with implementing educational program operation based on theoretical job model through activity analysis and experience sampling techniques. Second, the finding duties and tasks was reconstructed through classifying with 9 duties and 88 tasks, and then it was developed as educational program operation model of Korean Rural HRD Center. Finally Third, the implementing manual was constructed including the contents and task-elements.



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