강원지역 소방관에서 외상후 스트레스 증상 및 동반증상에 미치는 리질리언스의 영향

The Effect of Resilience on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Comorbid Symptoms in Firefighters

  • 이홍의 (국립춘천병원 정신건강의학과) ;
  • 강석훈 (단국대학교 의과대학 정신건강의학교실) ;
  • 예병석 (성균관대학교 의과대학 신경과학교실) ;
  • 최종혁 (국립춘천병원 정신건강의학과)
  • Lee, Hong-Eui (Department of Neuropsychiatry, Chuncheon National Hospital) ;
  • Kang, Suk-Hoon (Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Dankook University) ;
  • Ye, Byoung Seok (Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, Sungkyunkwan University) ;
  • Choi, Jong-Hyuck (Department of Neuropsychiatry, Chuncheon National Hospital)
  • 투고 : 2012.07.09
  • 심사 : 2012.08.31
  • 발행 : 2012.10.30


Objective : This study investigated the relationship between the resilience and posttraumatic stress symptoms, as well as comorbid symptoms in firefighters. Methods : We collected 764 firefighters, who worked at six fire department stations in Gangwon-do. We investigated the impact of event scale-revised (IES-R), the life events checklists (LEC), Connor-Davidson resilience scale (CD-RISC), Beck depression inventory (BDI), state trait anxiety inventory (STAI) and alcohol use disorder identification test (AUDIT). Full PTSD groups, partial PTSD groups and non-PTSD groups, which were classified by IES-R scores, were compared in the LEC, CD-RISC, BDI, STAI and AUDIT, ; multiple linear regression analyses were done for independent predictors of variables. Results : Of the 764 firefighters, there were significant differences in LEC (p<0.001), CD-RISC (p<0.001), BDI (p<0.001), and AUDIT (p=0.001) among the full PTSD groups, partial PTSD groups and non-PTSD groups. However, STAI did not show significant difference among three groups. In multiple regression analysis, CD-RISC (${\beta}=-0.168$, p<0.001), LEC (${\beta}=0.211$, p<0.001) and AUDIT (${\beta}=0.115$, p=0.001) were significant predictors for IES-R. Conclusion : The results of the present study suggested that resilience might be a protective factor in PTSD and comorbid symptoms of PTSD.



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