Vehicle Trajectory-Based Data Forwarding Schemes for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

  • Published : 2012.07.31


This paper introduces three vehicle trajectory-based data forwarding schemes, tailored for vehicular ad hoc networks. Nowadays GPS-based navigation systems are popularly used for providing efficient driving paths for drivers. With the driving paths called vehicle trajectories, we can make data forwarding schemes more efficient, considering the micro-scoped mobility of individual vehicles in road networks as well as the macro-scoped mobility of vehicular traffic statistics. This paper shows why the vehicle trajectory is a key ingredient in the design of the vehicle-to-infrastructure, infrastructure-to-vehicle, and vehicle-to-vehicle data forwarding schemes over multihop. Through the mathematical formulation, the key design techniques are shown for three forwarding schemes based on vehicle trajectory, compared with a state-of- the- art data forwarding scheme based on only vehicular traffic statistics.



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