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- Collberg C, Thomborson C., and Low D., "A taxonomy of obfuscating transformation," Technical report 148, Department of computer science, the University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 1997.
- Proguard. http://proguard.sourceforge.net/
- Android developers SDK. http://developer.android. com/sdk/
- C. Collberg and J. Nagra. "Surreptitious Software: Obfuscation, Watermarking, and Tamper proofing for Software Protection," Addison Wesley Professional, 2009.
- Stringer. h ttps: / /ifxstore. com/ stringer /
- Allatori. http://www.allatori.com
- Zelix Klassmaster. http://www.zelix .com/ klassmaster /index. html
- PreEmptive dotfuscator. http://www.preemptive. com/products/dotfuscator/
- Red Gate's .NET obfuscator. http://www.red-gate. com/ products/ dotnet- development/ smartassembly /
- Deepsea obfuscator. http://www. deepseaobfuscator. com
- Crypto Obfuscator. http://www.ssware .com/ cryptoobfuscator / obfuscator-net. htm