The Lymphotoxin-α 252 A>G Polymorphism and Breast Cancer: A Meta-analysis

  • Zhou, Ping (Department of General Surgery, the Third Affiliated Hospital to Nantong University) ;
  • Huang, Wei (Department of Intensive Care Unit, the Third Affiliated Hospital to Nantong University) ;
  • Chu, Xing (Department of Intensive Care Unit, the Third Affiliated Hospital to Nantong University) ;
  • Du, Liang-Feng (Department of Intensive Care Unit, the Third Affiliated Hospital to Nantong University) ;
  • Li, Jian-Ping (Department of General Surgery, the Third Affiliated Hospital to Nantong University) ;
  • Zhang, Chun (Department of General Surgery, the Third Affiliated Hospital to Nantong University)
  • Published : 2012.05.30


Objective: The aim of this meta-analysis is to evaluate associations between LTA-252 A>G and breast cancer (BC). Methods: Electronic searches of several databases were conducted for all online publications. A total of 7 studies involving 4,625 BC patients and 4,373 controls were identified. Results: This meta-analysis showed no significant association between the LTA-252 A>G polymorphism and BC in overall or Caucasian populations. However, a positive association was found limited to Asian populations. Conclusion: Although there was no significant association found between the LTA-252 A>G polymorphism and BC overall, a positive association was found in Asian populations.



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