Critical Success Factors of Large Design-Build Projects in Vietnam

  • Dang, Chau Ngoc (University of Technology, National University of Hochiminh City) ;
  • Le-Hoai, Long (Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Technology, National University of Hochiminh City) ;
  • Lee, Young-Dai (Dept. of Civil and Construction Engineering, Pukyong National University)
  • 투고 : 2012.07.15
  • 심사 : 2012.08.08
  • 발행 : 2012.09.01


Design-build (D&B) has been broadly perceived as an effective project delivery method and become popular in the world. However, the implementation process of this innovative procurement method in Vietnam encounters difficulties due mainly to unfamiliarity and inexperience with the approach. Critical success factors (CSFs) which could be used to enhance the project execution are useful to practitioners in Vietnam if identified. A questionnaire survey was employed to identify CSFs of D&B projects in Vietnam. Parties' competence, especially financial capability, and contract documentation are the most important factors significantly affecting project success. It was also shown that the perspectives of two principal parties in D&B projects on the CSFs are statistically correlated. The identified CSFs were then validated with some various D&B projects. The execution results of CSFs' were compared with the projects' performance measured try key performance indicators (KPIs). The most important success factors of this study were also compared with other countries'. The validation and comparison results provide project participants with some useful information to perform D&B projects better. Practitioners should well perform the identified CSFs to enhance the chance of the success of D&B projects in Vietnam. The findings of this study are useful not only to Vietnamese practitioners but also to others who are concerned about D&B method and plan to employ it in Vietnam in future.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Critical success factors for implementation process of design-build projects in Vietnam vol.14, pp.1, 2016,