Present Status and Analysis for IEEE 11073 Personal Health Device Specializations

IEEE 11073 개인건강기기별 표준 현황 및 분석

  • Received : 2012.02.28
  • Accepted : 2012.05.22
  • Published : 2012.06.30


Increasing interest of life expectancy and health has made the u-health industry activating and the several international standard developing organizations(SDO) are dealing with u-health services and technologies. Among them, IEEE 11073 PHD(Personal Health Devices) Work Group is developing standards of personal health device communication for interoperability. There are many studies for introducing SDOs and analyzing the IEEE 11073-20601 standard. However, due to the rare study of PHD standards analysis, there are a lot of difficulties to utilize the standards. In this paper, present status of national and international SDOs including IEEE 11073 standards for PHD will be introduced. Moreover, device specialization standards such as thermometer, weighing scale, glucose meter, blood pressure monitor, electrocardiograph (ECG) etc.. will be analyzed based on the IEEE 11073-20601.

평균수명연장과 건강에 대한 관심 증가는 언제 어디서나 서비스 가능한 유헬스 산업을 활성화시키고 있으며, 표준화 역시 여러 국제표준기구를 통해 다뤄지고 있다. 그 중 IEEE 11073 PHD(Personal Health Devices) WG은 개인건강기기와 관리기기의 상호운용성 보장을 위해 개인건강기기 통신 프로토콜에 대한 표준화 작업을 진행하고 있다. 그동안 개인건강기기 기본 표준인 IEEE 11073-20601에 대한 분석과 유헬스 표준화 단체에 대한 연구는 많이 있었으나 개인건강기기별 표준에 대한 분석은 부족하여 해당 표준에 접근하는데 많은 어려움이 있었다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 개인건강기기 관련 국내외 표준화 기구와 현재 IEEE 11073 PHD WG에서 다뤄지는 표준화 현황을 언급하고 IEEE 11073-20601를 바탕으로 체온계, 체중계, 혈당계, 혈압계, 심전계 등 각 개인건강기기별 표준의 특징을 분석하였다.



  1. Seung-hwan Kim "Trend of personal health device standardization for u-health service", Journal of KIISE Vol.29-1, pp.31-37, 2011. 1.
  2. u-Health Forum Korea, "2009 u-Health Industry white paper", 2009.
  3. Don-sik Yoo, "Review & Scheme of u-Health Standardization", TTA 20th Anniversary Seminar, 2008. 9.
  4. Chan-yong Park, Jun-ho Im, Su-jun Park, Seung-hwan Kim, "trend of u-healthcare standardization technology", Electronics and Telecommunications Trends Vol.25-4, pp.48-59, 2010. 8.
  5. Continua Design Guidelines Version 1.0, Oct.2008, Continua Health Alliance, 2008.
  6. Continua Test and Certification Plan Version 1.4, 2009, Continua Health Alliance, 2009
  7. IEEE Std 11073-20601TM - 2008 Health Informatics-Personal Health Device Communication Application Profile - Optimized Exchange Protocol, 2008.
  8. IEEE Std P11073-10408 - 2008 Health Informatics-Personal Health Device-: Device specialization-Thermometer. 2008.
  9. IEEE Std P11073-10415TM - 2008 Health Informatics-Personal Health Device-: Device specialization-Weighing scale. 2008.
  10. IEEE Std P11073-10407- 2009 Health Informatics-Personal Health Device-: Device specialization-Blood pressure monitor. 2009.
  11. IEEE Std P11073-10417 - 2008 Health Informatics-Personal Health Device-: Device specialization-Glucose meter. 2008.
  12. IEEE Std P11073-10406TM - 2010 Health Informatics-Personal Health Device-: Device specialization-Basic Electrocardiograph(ECG) (1 to 3-lead ECG). 2011.

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  1. Development of m-Health Application based on Medical Informatics Standards vol.17, pp.5, 2014,