연령 및 과제특성에 따른 유아들의 혼잣말 발화 분석

The Analysis of Children's Private Speech on Age and Characteristic of Task

  • 투고 : 2012.06.21
  • 심사 : 2012.07.10
  • 발행 : 2012.08.31


The purpose of this study was to analyse 3, 4, 5-year-old children's private speech according to their age and task characteristics (structured task vs. unstructured task). In order to achieve the goal, the main effect of age, characteristic of tasks and interaction effect were considered among age and characteristic of tasks on preschool children's private speech. The subjects were each 30 3, 4, 5-year-olds from preschool in Busan, South Korea. The structured task was puzzle task and the unstructured task was drawing task from TCT-DP. The data was analyzed by repeated measurement two way ANOVA: 3(age) ${\times}$ 2((characteristic of task). As a result, firstly, total private speech of 4-year-old was higher than 3-year-old, 5-year-old in both tasks, and total private speech of 5-year-old was higher than 3-year-old in both tasks. Secondly, the task-irrelevant private speech was not affected by main effect of age and characteristic of task and interaction effect between age and characteristic of task. Thirdly, the task-relevant private speech was received both main effects and interaction effects between age and characteristic of task. Finally, the external manifestation of inner speech were not received effect of age but received effect of characteristic of task, and received interaction effect between age and characteristic of task. The results of this study imply that characteristic of task is an important factor inducing children's private speech.



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